- Power Sources and Supplies: World Class Designs
Newnes has worked with Marty Brown, a leader in the field of power design to select the very best design-specific material from the Newnes portfolio. Marty selected material for its timelessnes
- Power Supply Cookbook
Power Supply Cookbook, Second Edition provides an easy-to-follow, step-by-step design framework for a wide variety of power supplies. With this book, anyone with a basic knowledge of electronics can c
- Practical Electronics for Inventors
uitive, applications-driven guide to electronics for engineers, hobbyists, and students — one that doesn’t overload readers with technical detail. Chock-full of illustrations — over
- Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics
Typical practical applications of VSDs in process control and materials handling, such as those for pumping, ventilation, conveyers, compressors and hoists are covered in detail.
- Programmable Logic Controllers. Fifth Edition
A programmable logic controllers (PLC) is a real-time system optimized for use in severe conditions such as high/low temperatures or an environment with excessive electrical noise. This control techno
- Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C: Learning to Fly the PIC 24
w 16-bit PIC24 chip provides embedded programmers with more speed, more memory, and more peripherals than ever before, creating the potential for more powerful cutting-edge PIC designs. This book teac
- Programming and Customizing the Multicore Propeller Microcontroller. The Official Guide
Written by a team of Propeller experts, this authoritative guide shows you how to realize your design concepts by taking full advantage of the multicore Propeller microcontroller"s unique architectur
- Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller. Third Edition
- Programming PIC Microcontrollers in BASIC
write your own program, debug it, and use it to start the microcontroller. We have provided plenty of practical examples with necessary connection schemes: temperature sensors, AD and DA converters,
- PSPICE. Моделирование работы электронных схем
В последнее время профессиональное проектирование электронных схем уже не обходится без компьютерного моделирования их рабочих характеристик. PSPICE определяет промышленный стандарт программ-имитаторо
- Qucs и FlowCode. Программы для тех, кто интересуется электроникой
От автора:Не поверив, со слов почитателей Windows, что и Vista плоха, и последний Word никуда не годится, я над этим сочинением работал в Windows Vista. И правильно, что не поверил - нормальная
- Radio and Electronics Cookbook
The RSGB Radio and Electronics Cookbook is a unique collection of electronics projects, ideal for all electronics enthusiasts and experimenters. The simple step-by-step instructions also make this boo
- Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design
- Rainford. Схемы и сервис - мануалы (80 моделей)
rd. Схемы и сервис - мануалы (80 моделей).
- RF Amplifier Classics
n yhour discovery work with ARRL"s RF Amplifier Classics! Use this book to find classic tube and solid-state designs at power levels from 5W to 1.5 kW. Included are two-dozen amplifier projects and ar
- RF Components and Circuits
Some basic knowledge of electronics is assumed, but the essential features of RF are fully described, including the important topic of receiver dynamic which is often overlooked in basic textbooks. Th
- RF Power Amplifiers
- RFID For Dummies
Radio Frequency Identification) is a new supply chain management
system that will eventually take the place of traditional barcode
scanning. Many companies have already announced their shift to RFID
- RFID. Руководство по внедрению
;RFID. Руководство по внедрению Сандипа Лахири - наиболее полное и современное руководство по технологии и применению радиочастотной идентификации на русском языке. В книге достаточно подробно объясне
- Roadstar. Схемы и сервис - мануалы (40 моделей)
ar. Схемы и сервис - мануалы (40 моделей).
- Rolsen. Схемы и сервис - мануалы (120 моделей)
- Running Small Motors with PIC Microcontrollers
ors running in no time using this easy-to-follow guide. Detailed circuit diagrams and hands-on tutorials show you, step by step, how to program PIC microcontrollers to power a wide variety of small mo
- Samsung. Сервисные мануалы + схемы по ноутбукам Q и R серии
ные мануалы по разборке ноутбуков Samsung Q и R серии, электронные
схемы. Незаменимая документация при ремонте ноутбука.Документация
по следующим моделям:NP-Q1; NP-Q1U; NP-Q20; NP-Q25; NP-Q30;
- Samsung. Схемы и сервис - мануалы LCD телевизоров (48 моделей)
к содержит руководства по ремонту и настройке, принципиальные схемы LCD телевизоров Samsung будет полезен всем кто занимается их ремонтом и обслуживанием.
- Self on Audio, Second Edition
r you are a dedicated audiophile who wants to gain a more complete understanding of the design issues behind a truly great amp, or a professional electronic designer seeking to learn more about the ar
- Sensors Handbook. Second edition
Fully revised with the latest breakthroughs in integrated sensors and control systems, Sensors Handbook, Second Edition provides all of the information needed to select the optimum sensor for any typ
- Simplified Design of Voltage/Frequency Converters
class=newsbody>Simplified Design of V/F Converters shows how to
design and experiment with V/F converters, both voltage-to-frequency and
frequency-to-voltage. The design approach here is the same one
- Small Signal Audio Design
Signal Audio Design is a unique guide to the design of high-quality circuitry for preamplifiers, mixing consoles, and a host of other signal-processing devices. Learn to use inexpensive and readily av
- SMD-codes. Active SMD semiconductor components marking codes
вочнике приводится кодовая маркировка (SMD-коды) для 120300 активных электронных компонентов (диодов, тиристоров, биполярных и полевых транзисторов, интегральных микросхем). SMD-коды разделены по типа
- Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius ( 50 Build-IT-Yourself Projects)
- Sony Playstation 2 - Сервисная документaция
кументaция для Sony Playstation 2
- Sony. Схемы и сервис - мануалы техники
дства по ремонту и настройке музыкальных центров, CD касетных магнитофонов и миниплееров фирмы Sony.
- sPlan
- Starting Electronics Construction. Techniques, Equipment and Projects
tep-by-step guide from circuit design to finished product, this practical electronics book actually explains how to select the right tools and components for the job, use a soldering iron, etch a prin
- Starting Electronics, Third Edition
Starting Electronics is unrivalled as a highly practical introduction for hobbyists, students and technicians. Keith Brindley introduces readers to the functions of the main component types, their use
- Switch-Mode Power Converters: Design and Analysis
ook introduces an innovative, highly analytical approach to symbolic, closed-form solutions for switched-mode power converter circuits. This is a highly relevant topic to power electronics students an
- Switching power supply design. Second Edition
Книга, описывающая архитектуры, характеристики и принципы работы импульсных блоков питания. Одна из немногих книг дающих практические советы, согласующиеся с реальными процессами в устройствах. Привод
- Symbolic Analysis Techniques: Applications to Analog Design Automation
This timely, self-contained volume gathers information disseminated from journals, workshops, and conference proceedings to present the most recent and most important applications of symbolic analysis
- Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics, Fourth Edition
- Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius
- The Audio Collection 1
Более 75 аудио конструкций для домашнего изготовления.Более 75 аудио схем из журнала Elektor Electronics за пять лет (с 1996 по 1999).
- The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics. Eight Edition
Continuing in the tradition of its best-selling predecessors, this updated dictionary of electronics terms covers a broader range of subjects in an easier-to-use format than any other source of its ki
- The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook. 7-th Edition
- Thomson. Схемы и сервис - мануалы техники
Руководства по ремонту и настройке техники фирмы Thomson: телевизоры, видеомагнитофоны и многое другое...Рекомендуется для сервисных центров и телемастеров.
- Troubleshooting Switching Power Converters: A Hands-on Guide
Power Supply design is all about detail. And a large part of that detail lies in the practical domain, largely because of the typically small number of microseconds of switching periods involved, and
- Understand Amplifiers
s a readable introduction for those with little previous knowledge
of the subject. The theme of amplification is central to many
branches of electronics. Consequently there is a large and confusing
- Understand Electronics. Second Edition
erstand Electronics, Owen Bishop covers the basics needed in all the main areas of electronics with a jargon-free, informative style, and numerous illustrations. An essential book for the newcomer to
- Understanding Automotive Electronics. Sixth Edition
ition, the new edition explains new electronically controlled vehicle motion control systems including advanced suspension, electronically controlled electric power steering, 4-wheel steering and elec
- Universal Display Book for PIC Microcontrollers
The newcomer to Microchip"s PIC micro controllers invariably gets an LED to flash as their first attempt to master this technology. You can use just a simple LED indicator in order to show that your i
- USB в электронике
В книге показано, как с помощью специализированных микросхем USB без интегрированного микроконтроллера создавать различные системы управления и устройства. Рассмотрены основы USB, аппаратное обеспечен