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Power Supply Cookbook

Power Supply Cookbook

Автор(ы): Marty Brown  

Год издания: 2001 
Издательство: Newnes 
Количество страниц: 278 
ISBN: 14.56 MbISBN 10: 0-7506-7329-XISBN 13: 978-0-7506-7329-7 
Язык: английский 

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Power Supply Cookbook, Second Edition provides an easy-to-follow, step-by-step design framework for a wide variety of power supplies. With this book, anyone with a basic knowledge of electronics can create a very complicated power supply design in less than one day. With the common industry design approaches presented in each section, this unique book allows the reader to design linear, switching, and quasi-resonant switching power supplies in an organized fashion. Formerly complicated design topics such as magnetics, feedback loop compensation design, and EMI/RFI control are all described in simple language and design steps. This book also details easy-to-modify design examples that provide the reader with a design template useful for creating a variety of power supplies.